The strongest of food cravings and overindulgence can commonly hit when we are at our weakest points emotionally. Food can be comforting, whether we are being conscious of it or not. Stress, boredom, anger, sadness, loneliness, happiness, nervousness can all cause us to turn to different foods. It is a way to soothe or support these emotions. Emotions and food choices can become so automatic for us that we start to lose self-awareness and notice when we are eating out of hunger, or for emotional reasons. The effect is however temporary, and the emotions return. This is when we are likely to feel guilty about setting out goals back. This can lead to an unhealthy cycle. Here are some ways to help you through it.
Keep a Food-Mood Diary
Keep track of what you eat, how much you eat, and what emotion/mood you’re feeling before and after eating a specific food. It also helps to note how hungry you were before eating, and after eating. This may help identify patterns between foods and moods. For example, if you feel excitement around food, what other activities can you engage in that excite you?
Manage Stress
Stress can increase appetite, and leave us wanting security or fulfilment from food. Trying to find a stress management technique such as yoga, journaling, going for a walk, meditating, turning on a tv show, or reading a book can help.
Deep Breathing
When you feel that urge to eat out of high emotion, pause and take 10 long deep breaths. Tune into your body and see if you’re emotionally or physically hungry. Is your stomach rumbling? Have you eaten in the last 2-3 hours? If you feel you are properly nourished, and emotions are getting the best of you, give the craving time to pass through deep breaths. Try inhaling through the nose for 5 counts, and exhaling through the nose for 5 counts. Do this a total of 10 times.
Don’t Restrict
Especially when trying to lose weight, its common to cut calories far too much, avoid treats, and eat the same foods day in and day out. This can increase cravings, especially in response to different emotions. Eat healthier foods and balanced meals throughout the day that keep you full and indulge in treats in a balanced way. Healthier variations of your favourite foods are always a great tool as well!
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